Cargo Transportation from Moldova to the Countries of Europe

RIATEC Forwarding Company practices transportation from Europe, more exactly, from the following countries: Cargo Transportation to the Countries of Europe:

Countries of the CIS and Europe, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, etc.

The company uses only high-quality and safe transport for delivering cargoes and works with a number of reliable partners within the framework of long-term contracts. For cargo transportation, the following are used: tractor and trailer rigs equipped with tents having the volumes of 35-150 m3, refrigerators, container trucks, mega trailers and jumbo vehicles, automobile transporters,  and transport intended for oversized and dangerous cargoes. Experienced and qualified managers possessing profound professional knowledge work with our company. The transportation is carried out within the shortest terms and always conforms to the optimal route and the safest way.

The company staff shall answer your questions, promptly present complete information in view of the transportation you are interested in, and calculate its cost. Most of the companies work with us due to the quality of our service. Cargo Transportation to the CIS Countries

RIATEC S. R. L. (Ltd.)  Company renders forwarding services related to delivering groupage cargoes.

Ordering a tractor and trailer rig having the capacity of 86 or 100 m3 in order to deliver small lots of cargoes is impractical and unprofitable. Applying the groupage cargo delivering system is far more convenient and reasonable in such cases.

Our company has well-established contacts allowing to consolidate the cargo in certain places in the countries of Europe and bring it to the place of destination in the shortest time possible. Transporting the cargoes according to this scheme shall deliver you from a number of problems related to organizing cargo transportation and custom clearance of the cargoes transported.

International automobile transportation, groupage cargo transportation, container transportation, and forwarding services from Moldova / Moldavia to the states and cities within Europe are carried out in the following directions:

Austria – Vienna, Albania – Tirana, Andorra – Andorra la Vella, Byelorussia / Belarus – Minsk, Belgium – Brussels, Bulgaria – Sofia, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo, Hungary – Budapest, England – London, Great Britain – London, Germany – Berlin, Gibraltar, Greece – Athens, Denmark  – Copenhagen, Ireland – Dublin, Iceland – Reykjavik, Spain – Madrid, Italy – Rome, Latvia – Riga, Lithuania – Vilnius, Liechtenstein – Vaduz, Luxembourg – Luxembourg, Macedonia – Skopje, Malta – Valletta, Moldavia / Moldova – Chisinau, Monaco – Monaco, the Netherlands / Holland – Amsterdam, Norway – Oslo, Poland – Warsaw, Portugal – Lisbon, Romania – Bucharest, San Marino – San Marino, Serbia – Belgrade, Slovakia – Bratislava, Slovenia – Ljubljana, the Ukraine – Kiev, Denmark – Copenhagen, Finland – Helsinki, France – Paris,  Montenegro – Podgorica, Czechia – Prague, Croatia – Zagreb, Switzerland – Bern, Sweden – Stockholm, Estonia – Tallinn, Azerbaijan – Baku, Armenia – Yerevan, Georgia – Tbilisi, Kazakhstan  – Astana, Kirgizia – Bishkek, Tajikistan – Dushanbe, Turkmenia – Ashkhabad, Turkey – Ankara, Uzbekistan – Tashkent, Countries of Europe and the CIS.

If you need a reliable forwarding company transporting cargoes from the countries of the CIS and Europe, contact us at: +373 69 10 78 53  или запрос цены on-line.

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