Container truck – container, 20 foot, 40 foot

Transportation with containers:  load-carrying ability up to 22 tones
Dimensions: indicated in the table. Container
Purpose: Transportations with containers are carried out by different means of railway, automotive, maritime and air transport, with the support of detachable devices – containers. In container it is possible to transport any cargo, admitted for transportation in concordance with the applicable regulations. Maritime transportation of cargo. Transportations with containers allow considerably diminishing the transport costs and the delivery term of cargo. Transportation with containers requires a special training, skills and experience for transportation with containers of all types and volumes. Our company will offer you the whole range of services on cargo transportations with containers from European countries and other states. Carrying out the maritime transportation of cargo will exempt you from many problems related with the organization of the transportation and custom executions of cargo.
Transportation geography: transportation with containers from all seaports from Europe, Russia, Baltic states and Turkey
Transported cargo: transportations with containers, transportation of different industrial cargo, domestic cargo, and granular cargo, cargo of wide consumption at domestic level, for en-gross and retail sales. Building materials, motor cars, household things. Cargo for production, foodstuff.

Transport order