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Transportation to the CIS Countries
Transportation to the Europe
Международные грузоперевозки
Транзитные перевозки грузов из Турции
Транзитные перевозки грузов из Китая
The main types of transport
Cargo transportation: Awning semitrailer – 90 cubes
Cargo transportation with refrigerator + 10C — 20C, 86 cubes
Cargo transportation: Awning, articulated lorry with trailer
Cargo transportation with awning megatrialer – volume 105 cu
Awning platform Yumbo , volume – 100 cubic meters
Articulated lorry – automobile transporter, for transporting
Transport for carrying oversize cargo
All-metal semitrailer. Isothermal body, 90 cubes
Типы перевозок
Автомобильные грузоперевозки
Перевозки сборных грузов
Перевозки опасных грузов
Container truck – container, 20 foot, 40 foot
Transport for carrying dangerous cargo ADR
Transport for carrying assorted lading, from 200 kg.
Грузовые авиа перевозки
Зерновозы, перевозка зерна
Автоперевозки спецтехники
Морские перевозки
Морские грузоперевозки
Перевозки и доставка контейнеров
Размеры контейнеров
Стоимость морских перевозок
Перевозки морем по странам
Перевозим грузы по морю
Ж.Д. грузоперевозки
Международные ж.д грузоперевозки
Типы ж.д. вагонов и контейнеров
Направления Ж.Д. перевозок
Стоимость перевозок ж.д вагонами
Ж.Д. вагоны, галерея
Доставка сборных грузов
Посылки и мелкие грузы
Стоимость перевозки посылок
Доставка посылки из и в Европу
Доставка посылки Страны СНГ
Посылки из Азии, и USA
Транспорт для доставки посылок
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Exchange: Transport and cargo
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Все типы грузов
Авто грузы
Грузы для морских перевозок.
Грузы для Ж.Д. перевозок
Грузы для авиа перевозок
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Все типы транспорта
Авто транспорт
Ж.Д. транспорт
Морской транспорт
Авиа транспорт
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О компании
О компании
Узнать стоимость перевозки
Country of loading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of Loading
---all cities---
Country of unloading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of unloading
---all cities---
Description of cargo
- chose the cargo type -
Alcohol-free beverage
Alcoholic beverage
Board lumber
Chemical products
Conserves (canned food)
Construction materials
Consumer goods
Container of 20 foot
Container of 40 foot
Containers and packages
Electronic devices
Equipment and spare parts
Fertilizer materials
Fiber-building boards
Flake boards
Fluted board
Foamed plastics
Food stuff
Glass works and porcelain
Grains and seeds
Household appliances
Household chemicals
Household products
Joint cargo
Laminated chip board
Leather goods
Metal works
Milk powder
Mineral wool
Office supplies
Oil products
Perfumes and makeup
Plumbing equipment
Refrigerating equipment
Rubber articles
Tobacco products
Transport vehicles
Unhazardous chemical products
Waste metal
Waste paper
Wet-sated hide
Wood boards
Woody tissue
Other cargo
Loading Date
Transport type
- choose transport type -
Refrigerated trailer
Tilt-covered road train with a trailer
Tilt-covered semi-trailer
Sea freight
Container Trucking
All-metal and insulated trailer
Joint cargo transportations
Tilt-covered mega trailer
Yumbo all-metal
Yumbo tilt-covered
ADR transportations
Car hauler with a trailer
Shipping garments
Troll-platform trailer
Air Delivery
Rail transportation
Bus cargo
Bus refrigerator
Bus van
Evacuator up to 30t.
Evacuator up to 3t.
Truck tractor
Communal equipment
Gasoline tanker
Grain-hauling vessel
Insulated tanker
Oil tanker
Tanker flour transport
Timber-hauling vessel
Transport for Furniture
Vine tanker
Шаланда открытый кузов
Other transport
Cargo weight (t)
Cargo volume
Contact person
By submitting an application, you agree to the processing of personal data.
* - required field
О компании страница
Transport order
Морские грузоперевозки
Железнодорожные грузоперевозки
Авиа доставка грузов
Доставка сборных грузов
Морские грузоперевозки
Железнодорожные грузоперевозки
Авиа доставка грузов
Доставка сборных грузов
Узнать стоимость перевозки
Country of loading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of Loading
---all cities---
Country of unloading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of unloading
---all cities---
Description of cargo
- chose the cargo type -
Alcohol-free beverage
Alcoholic beverage
Board lumber
Chemical products
Conserves (canned food)
Construction materials
Consumer goods
Container of 20 foot
Container of 40 foot
Containers and packages
Electronic devices
Equipment and spare parts
Fertilizer materials
Fiber-building boards
Flake boards
Fluted board
Foamed plastics
Food stuff
Glass works and porcelain
Grains and seeds
Household appliances
Household chemicals
Household products
Joint cargo
Laminated chip board
Leather goods
Metal works
Milk powder
Mineral wool
Office supplies
Oil products
Perfumes and makeup
Plumbing equipment
Refrigerating equipment
Rubber articles
Tobacco products
Transport vehicles
Unhazardous chemical products
Waste metal
Waste paper
Wet-sated hide
Wood boards
Woody tissue
Other cargo
Loading Date
Transport type
- choose transport type -
Refrigerated trailer
Tilt-covered road train with a trailer
Tilt-covered semi-trailer
Sea freight
Container Trucking
All-metal and insulated trailer
Joint cargo transportations
Tilt-covered mega trailer
Yumbo all-metal
Yumbo tilt-covered
ADR transportations
Car hauler with a trailer
Shipping garments
Troll-platform trailer
Air Delivery
Rail transportation
Bus cargo
Bus refrigerator
Bus van
Evacuator up to 30t.
Evacuator up to 3t.
Truck tractor
Communal equipment
Gasoline tanker
Grain-hauling vessel
Insulated tanker
Oil tanker
Tanker flour transport
Timber-hauling vessel
Transport for Furniture
Vine tanker
Шаланда открытый кузов
Other transport
Cargo weight (t)
Cargo volume
Contact person
By submitting an application, you agree to the processing of personal data.
* - required field
Разместить транспорт для поиска груза
Country of loading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of Loading
---all cities---
Country of unloading
- choose the country -
Afghanistan [AF]
Albania [AL]
Andorra [AD]
Armenia [AM]
Austria [AT]
Azerbaijan [AZ]
Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]
Bulgaria [BG]
Canada [CA]
China [CN]
Croatia [HR]
Cyprus [CY]
Czech Republic [CZ]
Denmark [DK]
Egypt [EG]
Estonia [EE]
Finland [FI]
France [FR]
Georgia [GE]
Germany [DE]
Greece [GR]
Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS]
India [IN]
Iran [IR]
Iraq [IQ]
Ireland [IE]
Israel [IL]
Italy [IT]
Japan [JP]
Jordan [JO]
Kazakhstan [KZ]
Kyrgyzstan [KG]
Latvia [LV]
Lebanon [LB]
Lithuania [LT]
Luxembourg [LU]
Macedonia [MK]
Malaysia [MY]
Malta [MT]
Mexico [MX]
Moldova [MD]
Mongolia [MN]
Montenegro [ME]
Myanmar (Burma) []
Nepal [NP]
Netherlands [NL]
North Korea [KP]
Norway [NO]
Poland [PL]
Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO]
Russia [RU]
Serbia [RS]
Singapore [SG]
Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI]
South Korea [KR]
Spain [ES]
Sri Lanka [LK]
Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH]
Syria [SY]
Taiwan [TW]
Tajikistan [TJ]
Thailand [TH]
Turkey [TR]
Turkmenistan [TM]
Ukraine [UA]
United Arab Emirates [AE]
United Kingdom [GB]
United States [US]
Uzbekistan [UZ]
Vietnam [VN]
Yemen [YE]
Abkhazia []
Algeria [DZ]
Angola [AO]
Anguilla [AI]
Antigua and Barbuda [AG]
Argentina [AR]
Aruba [AW]
Australia [AU]
Bahamas []
Bahrain [BH]
Bangladesh [BD]
Barbados [BB]
Belize [BZ]
Benin [BJ]
Bermuda [BM]
Bhutan [BT]
Bolivia [BO]
Botswana [BW]
Brazil [BR]
British Virgin Islands [VG]
Brunei [BN]
Burkina Faso [BF]
Burundi [BI]
Cambodia [KH]
Cameroon [CM]
Cape Verde [CV]
Chad [TD]
Chile [CL]
Colombia [CO]
Comoros [KM]
Congo (Brazzaville) []
Congo (Kinshasa) []
Cook Islands [CK]
Costa Rica [CR]
Cote D'Ivoire []
Cuba [CU]
Djibouti [DJ]
Dominican Republic [DO]
East Timor []
Ecuador [EC]
El Salvador [SV]
Equatorial Guinea [GQ]
Eritrea [ER]
Ethiopia [ET]
Faroe Islands [FO]
Fiji [FJ]
French Guiana [GF]
French Polynesia [PF]
Gabon [GA]
Gambia [GM]
Ghana [GH]
Gibraltar [GI]
Greenland [GL]
Grenada [GD]
Guadeloupe [GP]
Guatemala [GT]
Guernsey [GG]
Guinea [GN]
Guinea-Bissau [GW]
Guyana [GY]
Haiti [HT]
Honduras [HN]
Hong Kong [HK]
Indonesia [ID]
Isle of Man [IM]
Jamaica [JM]
Jersey [JE]
Kenya [KE]
Kiribati [KI]
Kuwait [KW]
Laos [LA]
Lesotho [LS]
Liberia [LR]
Libya [LY]
Liechtenstein [LI]
Madagascar [MG]
Malawi [MW]
Maldives [MV]
Mali [ML]
Martinique [MQ]
Mauritania [MR]
Mauritius [MU]
Monaco [MC]
Morocco [MA]
Mozambique [MZ]
Namibia [NA]
Nauru [NR]
Netherlands Antilles [AN]
New Caledonia [NC]
New Zealand [NZ]
Nicaragua [NI]
Niger [NE]
Nigeria [NG]
Norfolk Island [NF]
Oman [OM]
Pakistan [PK]
Panama [PA]
Papua New Guinea [PG]
Paraguay [PY]
Peru [PE]
Philippines [PH]
Pitcairn Islands []
Puerto Rico [PR]
Qatar [QA]
Reunion [RE]
Rwanda [RW]
Saint Helena [SH]
Saint Kitts and Nevis [KN]
Saint Lucia [LC]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [PM]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC]
Samoa [WS]
San Marino [SM]
Sao Tome and Principe [ST]
Saudi Arabia [SA]
Senegal [SN]
Seychelles [SC]
Sierra Leone [SL]
Solomon Islands [SB]
Somalia [SO]
South Africa [ZA]
South Ossetia []
Sudan [SD]
Suriname [SR]
Swaziland [SZ]
Tanzania [TZ]
Togo [TG]
Tokelau [TK]
Tonga [TO]
Trinidad and Tobago [TT]
Tunisia [TN]
Turks and Caicos Islands [TC]
Tuvalu [TV]
Uganda [UG]
Uruguay [UY]
Vanuatu [VU]
Venezuela [VE]
Wallis and Futuna [WF]
Western Sahara [EH]
Zambia [ZM]
Zimbabwe [ZW]
City of unloading
---all cities---
Transport type
- choose transport type -
Refrigerated trailer
Tilt-covered road train with a trailer
Tilt-covered semi-trailer
Sea freight
Container Trucking
All-metal and insulated trailer
Joint cargo transportations
Tilt-covered mega trailer
Yumbo all-metal
Yumbo tilt-covered
ADR transportations
Car hauler with a trailer
Shipping garments
Troll-platform trailer
Air Delivery
Rail transportation
Bus cargo
Bus refrigerator
Bus van
Evacuator up to 30t.
Evacuator up to 3t.
Truck tractor
Communal equipment
Gasoline tanker
Grain-hauling vessel
Insulated tanker
Oil tanker
Tanker flour transport
Timber-hauling vessel
Transport for Furniture
Vine tanker
Шаланда открытый кузов
Other transport
Free with
Cargo weight (t)
Cargo volume
Contact person
By submitting an application, you agree to the processing of personal data.
* - required field